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Remember that we are employees of the club.
The club dictates their wishes; we do not tell them how WE are going to do it.
No one can "steal" a club from you.
The club chooses to hire or release.
Stop rumors about other cuers.
If you hear rumors it is important not to continue the spread of said rumor. If you can, go to the cuer and make them aware of what is going on.
Be willing to help.
By teaching/helping someone else we are furthering our own knowledge. Also, be willing to listen to another point of view with regards to cueing, teaching, etc. Their way just may be better than ours. We can always learn from others even if it is what not to do.
Do not solicit at dances you attend.
It is unethical and inappropriate to talk to dancers about coming to your dances or classes, i.e. "If you want to learn that right, then come to my class." "If you want a badge right away, come to my club and you'll have one." "You'll have more fun at my club."
Do not carry records into a dance you attend.
You might have your records in the car in case you are asked to cue a round. It is not OK to ask to cue, and never assume that you will be asked.
Be prepared!
You may have a lesson plan set up, or a list of dances from which to choose. Sometimes you have to change in order to cue to the floor (dancers present). Dancers come to dance, not to wait for the cuer to flip through records or disks. It's nice to have your next set or two already to go following the square dance tip.
Be professional and remember that the dancers are there to have fun.
Leave problems at home or work.
Have fun!
Smile when you cue; the dancers hear and feel it!